Thursday, June 7, 2018

Day 13 - Rolbik (PL) to Rolbik (PL)

Thursday 07/06/2018

Had a long sleep, ate some breakfast, washed all my clothes, checked the bike and started preparing psychologically for the return journey home.....

It's so peaceful here and the weather is so pleasant that I don't want to leave. Went for a walk along the lake with the dogs and helped-out with the hay collection / drove the tractor around. We overloaded the trailer and upon walking back to the farm I had to pick-up 36 hay bails that had fallen-off the trailer when my father-in-law drove it back.

My sister-in-law and her husband popped-in during the evening to say goodbye.

That's it. Time to start heading home. Gonna aim for at least the Hannover region tomorrow and then I should be able to catch the 19:50 ferry on Saturday evening and get home before midnight.

Mileage: 3475
Country count: 9 (GB, F, B, NL, D, PL, LT, LV, EST)
Beers: 39
Fines: 0
Bribes: 0
Ass pain: 0/10
Mechanical issues: 0 (1 new tyre)
Accidents: 1 (+1 that didn't involve me)
Coldness: 0/10

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